MyZone is a proximity warning system. A discreet personal vibrating alarm, worn on the rear of the hard hat, alerts site workers to real and immediate danger from a moving or static safety hazard, allowing them to take evasive action before possible injury.
A virtual exclusion zone is set up around a management designated safety hazard using a very low radio frequency (125kHz), autonomous from any IP network. Our MyZone Worker Alert System provides an immediate safety status and can be scaled to protect any number of site based personnel.
In today's fast-paced work environments, ensuring the safety of both employees and pedestrians is paramount. With stringent regulations in place mandating employers to prioritise workplace safety, it's imperative for businesses to adopt proactive measures to mitigate potential hazards. One such crucial aspect is pedestrian safety, which demands attention and action from every responsible employer.
3m - 10m
Configurable exclusion zone setting
All direction visibility eliminates blind spots
Long life cycle
Multiple battery facility